Lebanese Republic
- International Standerdization Organization (http://www.iso.ch)
- International Monetary Fund (http://www.imf.org)
- United Nations Comission on International Law (http://www.uncitral.org)
- United Nations Conference for Trade and Development(UNCTAD) (http://www.unctad.org)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (http://www.wipo.org)
- World Trade Organization (http://www.wto.org)
- Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) (http://www.escwa.org.lb)
- European Union (http://www.europa.eu.int)
- European Commission Delegation in Lebanon (http://www.dellbn.cec.eu.int)
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (http://www.fao.org)
- International Labor Organization (ILO) (http://www.ilo.org)
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (http://www.undp.org.lb)
- United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) (http://www.unesco.org)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (http://www.unido.org)
- United Nations Information Center (UNIC) (http://www.un.org/ga/coi/)
- United Nations Resident Coordinator Office (http://www.un.org.lb)
- World Bank (http://www.worldbank.org/lb )
- World Health Organization (WHO) (http://www.who.org)
- Trade Port Info (http://www.tradeport.org)
- World Customs Organization (http://www.wcoomd.org)
- World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME) (http://www.wasmeinfo.org)
- World Packaging Organization (WPO) (http://www.worldpackaging.org)
- Beirut Stock Exchange (http://www.bse.com.lb)
- Central Administration for Statistics (http://www.cas.gov.lb )
- Central Inspection Board (http://www.cib.gov.lb)
- Court of Audit (http://www.coa.gov.lb)
- Higher Council for Privatization (http://www.hcp.gov.lb)
- Lebanon Constitutional Council (http://www.conseil-constitutionnel.gov.lb)
- Central Bank of Lebanon (http://www.bdl.gov.lb)
- Cooperative of Government Employees (http://www.mfe.gov.lb)
- Council for Development and Reconstruction (http://www.cdr.gov.lb )
- Educational Center for Research and Development (http://www.crdp.org)
- Electricity of Lebanon (http://www.edl.gov.lb)
- Elyssar (http://www.elyssar.com)
- Green Plan (http://www.greenplan.gov.lb)
- Investment Development Authority of Lebanon - IDAL (http://www.idal.com.lb)
- Lebanese Standards Institute (LIBNOR) (http://www.libnor.com)
- National Archives Institute (http://http://www.can.gov.lb)
- National Council for Scientific Research (http://www.cnrs.edu.lb)
- National Employment Office (http://www.neo.gov.lb)
- National Institute for the Guarantee of Deposits (http://www.kafalat.com.lb)
- National Social Security Fund (http://www.cnss.gov.lb/)
- Ogero (http://www.ogero.gov.lb)
- Port Authority of Beirut (http://www.portdebeyrouth.com)
- Port Authority of Tripoli (http://www.tripoliport.com)
- Public Housing Agency (http://www.housing-institute.com)
- Ministry of Economy and Trade (http://www.economy.gov.lb)
- Office of the Minister of State for administrative Reform (OMSAR) (http://www.omsar.gov.lb)
- Ministry Of Tourism ()
- Ministry of Agriculture (http://www.agriculture.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Culture (http://www.culture.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Education and Higher Education (http://www.higher-edu.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Environment (http://www.moe.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Finance (http://www.finance.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants (http://www.emigrants.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Industry (http://www.industry.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Information (http://www.nna-leb.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (http://www.interior.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Justice (http://www.justice.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Labor (http://www.labor.gov.lb)
- Ministry of National Defense (http://www.mol.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Public Health (http://www.moph.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Public Works and Transport (http://www.transportation.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Social Affairs (http://www.socialaffairs.gov.lb)
- Ministry of Telecommunications (http://www.mpt.gov.lb)
- Export Source Canada (http://www.exportsource.gc.ca)
- Federation of International Trade Association FITA (http://www.fita.org)
- International Trade Center (http://www.intracen.org)
- Trade and Development Center (http://www.itd.org)
- The International Trade Resource and Data Exchange (http://www.i-trade.com)
- International Trade Forum (http://www.tradeforum.org )
- Customs and International Trade Law (http://www.tradelaw.com)
- World Trade point Federation (http://www.tradepoint.org)
- Trade Show Central (http://www.tscentral.org)
- Arab Chambers of Commerce (http://www.awo.net/commerce/arabcoc/coc.asp)
- Association of Banks in Lebanon (http://www.abl.org.lb)
- Association of Insurance Companies in Lebanon (http://www.acal.org.lb)
- Association of Lebanese Industrialists (http://www.ali.org.lb)
- Association of The Lebanese Software Industry (http://www.alsilebanon.org)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Beirut (http://www.ccib.org.lb)
- International Chamber of Commerce ()
- Internet Chamber of Commerce (http://www.icc.org)
- Joint Arab Chambers of Commerce (Arab-foreign) (http://www.awo.net/commerce/arabcoc/jointcoc.asp)
- Lebanese Association of Public Accountants (http://www.lacpa.org.lb)
- Lebanese Businessmen Association (http://www.rdcl.org.lb)
- Trade Union of The Lebanese Contractors (http://www.lcsynidcate.com.lb)
- World Chambers Network (http://www.worldchambers.com)
- Arab fund for Economic and Social Development (http://www.arabfund.org)
- Arab League (http://www.arableagueonline.org)
- Arab Monetary Fund (http://www.amf.org.ae)
- Arab trade (http://www.arab-trade.com)
- Arab Trade Financing program (http://www.atfp.org.ae)
- Arabia on line (http://www.arabia.com)
- Arabnet (http://www.arab.net)
- Arabnet Lebanon page (http://www.arab.net/lebanon/lebanon_contents.html)
- Arab-Trade Lebanon page (http://www.arab-trade.com/lb.html)
- General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries (GUCCIAAC) ()
- Intra-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation (http://www.iaigc.org)
- Union of Arab Banks (http://www.uabonline.org)
- Arab Countries (GUCCIAAC) (http://www.gucciaac.org.lb)
- Economic Research Forum (http://www.erf.org.eg)
- Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (http://www.eces.org.eg)
- Arab Planning Institute-Kuwait (http://www.api.org.kw)
- Developpement et Insertion International (DIAL) (http://www.dial.prd.fr)
- Middle East Economic Survey (http://www.mees.com)
- Economic Intelligence Unit (http://www.eiu.org)
- Mediterranean Development Forum (MDF) (http://www.worldbank.org/mdf)
- FEMISE (network umbrella)- Euro-MED. Partnership (http://www.femise.org)
- Arab Social Science Research Network (http://www.assr.org )
- Economic Departments, institutes, and research centers in the world – EDIRC index (http://http://ideas.uqam.ca/EDIRC/index.html)