Lebanese Republic

Ongoing Project


Wed 03 January 2018
UNDP Project Strategy at MoET
The UNDP Project at the Ministry of Economy and Trade was initiated in 2001. The main objectives of the project include: building, modernising, and strengthening the institutional capacities of the Ministry of Economy and Trade in designing and formulating trade, ICT, SMEs, Quality, economic & trade policies. The project aimed to provide support in the planning, formulation and implementation of sound trade and economic policies by means of drafting and monitoring the proper enactment of modern legislation and regulations, developing key aggregate trade and economy indicators, preparing and presenting policy papers and negotiation strategies as well as strengthening the Ministrys relationship with the private sector through streamlining procedures and facilitating transacting with the Ministry.
The project underwent substantive revisions carried out in 2004 and 2005. An external evaluation, for the period 2001-2010, assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Project in terms of achieved outputs and results as well as proposing improvements through adjustments and implementation approach, strategies and resources including improved project design has been undertaken in November 2010.   Accordingly, the overall objective of phase II of this project remains to the same: to build-up and strengthen the institutional capacities of the Ministry of Economy and Trade with respect to economic policy formulation, public sector management and control, private sector development and other related matter falling within the competences of the Ministry. In concrete terms, the Project will support the Ministry in the realization of the above stated objectives through 2 main outcomes with a total of six specific outputs:
Project Outcome 1:Support for Sectoral Trade and Economic Policy Formulation and Implementation Provided
1)    Economic Sectoral Studies and Policies Developed
2)    Legislative and procedural reforms implemented for improving the business environment.
Project Outcome 2: Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Economy and Trade developed and enhanced
1)    Efficiency and Responsiveness of the MoET enhanced through IT capacity development
2)    Transfer of skills to the Consumers Protection Department achieved
3)    Transfer of skills to the Trade Department Achieved.
4)    Creation of a management framework for the implementation of the Law on Protection of National Production and Transfer of skills to the Trade Remedies Investigation Authority (TRIA)
Outcome 1:Support for Sectoral Trade and Economic Policy Formulation and Implementation Provided
Output 1.1: Economic Sectoral Studies and Policies Developed
The Objective of this output is to aid policy makers and negotiators in making informed decisions regarding the drafting of policies and strategies based on reliable data and numerical measures. Moreover, circulation of reports, newsletters and studies on current trade and economic issues will enhance the Ministrys interaction with various stakeholders including citizens, the private sector and the donor community and improve its image thus attracting more funding.
1.1.1 Designing and publishing sectoral studies and newsletters.
1.1.2 Conducting impact assessment including on trade.
1.1.3 Coordinating the development and implementation of sectoral policies.
1.1.4 Preparing Official Documents, reports and position papers for meetings and negotiations, such as with WTO, ENP, MDGs (Goal 8), WB, etc…
1.1.5 Negotiating and following up on international trade commitments resulting from bilateral and multilateral trade agreements (e.g. WTO, EU, EFTA, etc…)
1.1.6 Coordinating Policy meetings with various stakeholders and proposing strategies for SMEs and MFIs development
1.1.7 Facilitating the participation of Entrepreneurs and SMEs of innovative projects in international competitions 
Output 1.2: Legislative and procedural reforms implemented for improving the business environment.
1.2.1 Amending the Lebanese Code of Commerce.
1.2.2 Modernizing and amending IPR legislation
1.2.3 Facilitating the adoption and adherence to IPR related international treaties
1.2.4 Enactment of the competition Law and the establishment of a National Competition Authority
1.2.4 Implementing and defining Trade reforms.
1.2.5 Supporting the legal unit at the Ministry.
1.2.6 Coordinating work and following up on the enactment of the Information Technology law and implementing Decrees.
The Objective of this output is to draft, amend, comment-on and following up on trade related regulations, including laws, implementing Decrees, ministerial decisions, contracts, MoUs, bilateral and multilateral Agreements, etc…
Outcome 2: Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Economy and Trade developed and enhanced
Output 2.1: Efficiency and Responsiveness of the MoET enhanced through IT capacity development
2.1.1 Assessment of the IT environment conducted to identify internal and external communication and technology needs at MoET.
2.1.2 Provide IT team at MoET with extensive training
2.1.3 Develop and implement an IT strategy for the MoET
2.1.4 Train MoET staff in various departments on new enhanced applications
2.1.5 Provide IT assistance for usage and utilization of applications
2.1.6 Fully supporting Website development and maintenance
2.1.7 Coordinate with WIPO on upgrading and enhancing the IPR Departments IT systems
2.1.8 Continuously enhance and upgrade systems
2.1.9 Periodically submit to Finance Dept at MoET detailed IT budget needs to incorporate in annual budget reviews based on IT strategy
In 2001, the Ministry of Economy and Trade launched an automation campaign aiming to increase productivity and effectiveness for a transparent public sector. This motion was inspired by similar international developments towards citizens services in lesser time and best efficiency possible. In the absence of the Ministry IT unit, The UNDP IT team assumed responsibility and planned a full automation for the ministrys departments, under the basic principle of improving performance of the ministry operations by clearly defining objectives and performance reviews towards the desired goals; and best usage of resources for better results.The methodology utilized is to re-engineer work processes taking simplification and organization as guide lines. Human resources training on new techniques is an ongoing activity at the ministry along with building the ministrys systems and data bases, which should facilitate citizens services in an effective and prompt fashion.


Output 2.2: Transfer of skills to the Consumers Protection Department (CPD) achieved
2.2.1 Training needs assessed for the Consumers Protection Department (CPD) and learning plan developed.
2.2.2 Capacity of CPD staff developed.
2.2.3 Supporting the department in donors coordination.
2.2.4 Establishing a WTO National Notification Authority working closely with the TBT and SPS National Enquiry points at LIBNOR and MoA respectively
2.2.5 Developing and Enhancing communication channels and follow-up with international agencies such as FDA and RASFF dealing with claims and alerts on food and products safety
2.2.6 Facilitating the export of Lebanese products in specific sectors, by training relevant CPD staff on preparing and submitting official application forms on behalf of the Lebanese Government to countries that require such procedures (e.g. exporting honey, eggs, dairy products, meat, etc.. to the EU).
2.2.7 Consumer Protection hotline and complaint database established.
2.2.8 Transfer of knowledge through full integration of UNDP CP support staff into CPD.


The Objective of this output is to provide CPD staff with necessary analytical economic and trade related skills for drafting reports and relating economic principles with their current daily activities.
Furthermore, a joint project between UNDP/ MOET and an NGO was implemented since 2004, whereby BPG funded a call center at MoET for consumer complaints. This call center with a 24 hour functional hotline is now one of the essential pillars enhancing the role of Consumer Protection Directorate. The call center operator who is a UNDP staff will be integrated in MoET during Phase II of the project.
Output 2.3: Transfer of skills to the Trade Department Achieved.
2.3.1 Training needs assessed for the Trade Department and learning plan developed.
2.3.2 Capacity of Trade Department staff developed.
2.3.3 Supporting the Trade department in donors coordination.
The Objective of this output is to staff and train the existing Trade Department at MoET. Currently the department dealing with foreign trade has only one person acting as head. The Department needs staffing and a lot of training on the understanding and negotiations of international trade agreements.. Accordingly, support will be given towards staffing, training, and technical assistance sponsored through international organizations and donors.
Output 2.4:Creation of a management framework for the implementation of the Law on Protection of National Production and Transfer of skills to the Trade Remedies Investigation Authority (TRIA)
2.4.1 Training and staffing needs assessed for the TRIA and learning plan developed.
2.4.2 Capacity of TRIA staff developed.
2.4.3 Supporting the TRIA in attracting donors continuous technical assistance trainings.
The Objective of this output is to Support the Trade Remedies Investigative Authority (TRIA) in recommending decisions related to anti-dumping, countervailing, and safeguard measures. The initial phase will involve the creation of a management framework for the implementation of the Law on the Protection of National Production (of 12/2006), its Implementing Decree (number 1204 of 3/2008), and future amendments.  Support will also go towards helping the TRIA respond to trade remedies cases initiated by international parties against Lebanon. Accordingly, policy advisory and technical consultation services on legal, economic and financial matters related to the full scope of the law and implementing decree will be given.  This will also include creating processes and procedures for the management of daily tasks, and other activities needed to meet legal requirements for the initiation (pre-initiation, initiation, and preliminary determination phases for any provisional measures) and completion (final determination phase for any definitive measures) of investigations. Training activities for the transfer of knowledge will benefit from existing and new bilateral agreements covering this area. 
It is to be noted that project staff, under the direction of H.E. the Minister, will continue to interface with International organization in meetings on behalf of MoETfor attracting donor funding and insuring economic and trade obligations are met in a timely fashion as well as coordination activities among ministries and other stakeholders until such activities can be transferred to core staff.

Grain and Sugar Beets

Grain and Sugar Beets